Unsere Rechtsanwälte und Rechtsanwältinnen stehen für alle Fragen bezüglich des deutschen Ausländerrechts, Asylrechts und Europäischen Migrationsrechts zur Verfügung. Diese Rechtsexperten bieten Ihnen eine indivuelle Rechtsberatung zu Fragen rund um Asyl, internationalen Schutz, Flüchtlingsschutz, subsidiären Schutz und nationalen Abschiebungsschutz.
Außerdem erhalten sie umfassenden Rat zu folgenden Themen: Niederlassungserlaubnis, Aufenthaltserlaubnis, Einbürgerung, Staatsbürgerschaft, Beschäftigung, Familienzusammenführung, Ausweisung, Visumverfahren, Integrationskurse, Zuwanderungsgesetz, Beschäftigungsverordnung, Dienstleistungsfreiheit etc. Wenden Sie sich an einen Rechtsanwalt oder eine Rechtsanwältin in Ihrer Nähe.
Migrationsrecht.net offers comprehensive legal advice on all matters of German and European immigration and alien law. German immigration law is a very complex and dynamic field of law since the rules are always changing, so you always should ask an expert for help. Our lawyers with great expertise in immigration law and alien law are able to answer all questions on German and European migration and asylum law.
- Do you want to immigrate to Germany?
- Do you wish to work or study in Germany?
- Are you a highly-skilled migrant or do you want to join your family?
- Do you already reside in Germany and would you like to apply for a residence or working permit, for German nationality or a state-organized integration and language program?
- Are you seeking asylum in Germany?
In any case, appropriate and immediate legal advice is essential for your application and your claim. Our lawyers with great expertise in immigration law and alien law are able to answer all questions on German and European migration and asylum law. You can obtain individual legal advice on all issues related to asylum, residence permits, settlement permits, working permits, blue-card, citizenship, family reunion, integration courses, visa, freedom of establishment and services, working or studying in Germany, expulsion, deportation or toleration.
Law advice can be given via email, by phone or in a personal consultation.
- If you reside in Germany, please contact one of our expert law firms close to you.
- If you reside outside Germany, please choose freely one of our immigration law experts.
Rechtsanwältin Anne Glinka
Ansbacher Str. 74, 10777 Berlin
Telefon: +49 30 - 21 91 88 35
Telefax: +49 30 - 21 91 88 35
Internet: www.glinka-rechtsanwaeltin.de
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Rechtsanwalt Ünal Zeran
Haubachstraße 74, 22765 Hamburg
Telefon: +49 40 - 43 13 51 10
Telefax: +49 40 - 43 25 17 60
Internet: www.bg124.de
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Rechtsanwälte Dr. Spiekermann, Blang Partnerschaft mbB
Moerser Str. 24, 47228 Duisburg
Telefon.: +49 2065 - 99 38 0
Telefax: +49 2065 - 99 38 21
Internet: www.goethe8.de
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Rechtsanwalt Hartdorf
Rechtsanwälte Müller
Münsterstr. 4, 48231 Warendorf
Telefon: +49 2581 - 784 04 0
Telefax: +49 2581 - 784 04 50
Internet: http://mrwaf.de
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Rechtsanwalt Aykut Elseven
Schlun & Elseven Rechtsanwälte
Kyffhäuserstr. 45, 50674 Köln
Telefon: +49 221 - 93 29 59 60
Telefax: +49 221 - 93 29 59 669
Internet: http://www.se-legal.de
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